The electoral register is a list of the names and addresses of everyone who is registered to vote. If you are not on the register, you cannot vote.
If you are already registered then you do not need to do anything further. If you are not registered please use the link below.
Register to vote online on GOV.UK
The deadline to register for the 2nd May 2024 election is Tuesday 16th April 2024. You can also apply for a postal vote when registering online.
It only takes a few minutes – you will need your National Insurance Number and date of birth. If you cannot find your NI number please get in touch with HMRC.
Once you have registered, your details will be compared to the Department of Work and Pension (DWP) records to confirm your details are correct. If your details match, and you apply no later than Tuesday 16th April 2024, then a poll card will be sent to you.
Your poll card will list what elections are taking place, where to find your polling station and types of accepted voter ID.
If your details don't match, then your local council will contact you to explain what you need to do as you may need to provide additional information to support your application..
If you need any help registering, please contact your election office.